How do I do it


I get inspiration for my work practically everywhere, from nature, day job, different events which are connected to things which are close to me and interest me, such as the Crypto market, which is absolutely fascinating. The fascination comes not only from financial side of it, but also from the psychological point of view.

Painting technics

I choose the painting technic based on the inspiration and the mood I am in at the moment of painting. The methods I use for creating my art are more or less modern. What interests me most is the abstract painting, which comprises of endless possibilities from pouring using various containers, gadgets and colours, to stencils, catalyst wedge, sprays, masking tape, sponge, tooth brush end so on…

Why I love abstract painting

The thing I absolutely love about abstract painting is that each peace is unique and cannot be counterfeit and that it gives an artist enormous possibilities for expressing him or herself.

The energy and mood that I am in when I paint are reflected in my work and this is why two of my pieces are not alike.

I hope that you will enjoy it as much as I do when I paint.